Linux Console / Shell

Mar 22, 2022
All the most important things to find your way around any Linux Console (including MacOS’s Terminal)
Shell Scripts
Shell Scripts
Most of the info here is from William Shotts’ book The Linux Command Line (free download)
Which command-line interface (shell, terminal) am I running? $ echo $0 or $ echo $SHELL
Find the location of a running program $ which bash
exit - close terminal window date - show date cal - calendar df - show free drive space free - show free memory clear - clear console
Multiple commands on a single line are possible by separating them with semicolons! cd /usr; ls; cd -


pwd - print working directory (show name of current directory)
cd - change directory
cd .. - change back out of directory cd - - change to previous directory
ls - list directory contents
ls /usr - list contents of specific directory ls -l - list in long form (showing date, size, owner, rights) ls -lth --reverse - long format with human readable filesize and sort by time in reverse order ls -a - show all, including hidden ls -F - classify (appends / if it’s a directory) ls -s - sort by size ls -R - list subdirectories recursively ls *.ab[wx] -l: long format list of all files that end with .abw or abx
exa is a nice replacement for ls!
exa is a nice replacement for ls!

Files / Directories

mkdir - create directory $ mkdir mydirectory rm - delete (remove) file
delete file $ rm myfile delete directory $ rm mydirectory -d or if not empty: $ rm mydirectory -r
file [filename] - print type of file cp - copy
cp [[:upper:]p].abw TEST/ -i - copy all files that start with an uppercase letter or “p” .abw to the directory TEST and interactively prompt for confirmation before overwriting cp TEST TEST2 -rv - copy recursively (needed for directories) and give verbose feedback about what’s happening
mv - move or rename files and dirs ln - create hard and symbolic links
ln file.abw hard.abw - creates a hard link ln -s file.abw symb.abw - creates a symbolic link


alias foo='cd /usr; ls; cd -' - creates an alias for these three commands that can be used anywhere in the shell (until you close the shell) unalias foo - remove the alias


less [filename] - open text file (exit with :q)

Brace Expansion

$ echo Front-{A,B,C}-Back results in Front-A-Back, Front-B-Back, Front-C-Back
notion imagenotion image


Show $ echo $PATH Add a directory called “bin” in the Home directory to the path: $ export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH" printenv - Show all environment variables


zip - zip entire folder into $ zip -r Documents

Ubuntu Server 2022.04 - Switching between consoles

ALT + Left / Right - Switch between multiple consoles


What are commands? Executable programs, commands built into the shell itself, shell functions or aliases.
type command - display a command’s type (for example type ls shows ls is aliased to `ls --color=auto') which command - displays an executable’s location (for example which ls shows /usr/bin/ls) help command - get help for shell builtins. also try info command, command --help or man command
apropos searchterm - search the list of man pages for possible matches based on a search term

I/O Redirection

cat - concatenate files (reads one or more files and copies them to standard output)
$ cat info.txt - display file contents of info.txt without pagination $ cat movie.mpeg.0* > movie.mpeg - join several files together $ cat - waits for standard input - type something. then press CTRL + D to tell cat that it has reached end of file on standard input. $ cat > file.txt lets you type into file.txt.
sort - sort lines of text uniq - report or omit repeated lines grep pattern filename - print lines matching a pattern wc - print newline, word and byte counts for each file head - output the first part of a file (by default: first 10 lines, can be adjusted with head -n 5 tail - output the last part of a file tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files (like a tee in a pipe)

Redirecting standard output

> - redirection, send to. $ ls -l /usr/bin > ls-output.txt - send the output of ls into ls-output.txt but if our command results in an error it will be displayed on screen and not go into the file >> - append. $ ls -l ~ >> ls-output.txt - appends the output to the file 2> - redirect standard error, but display normal output on screen $ ls -l /doesnotexist 2> ls-error.txt redirect both standard output and standard error $ ls -l /bin/usr > ls-output.txt 2>&1 - redirection of standard error must always occur after redirecting standard output! newer versions of bash can do this with &> and &>> 2> /dev/null - dispose of unwanted output. /dev/null is a special file (bit bucket) which accepts input and does nothing with it.


command1 | command2 - standard output of one command is piped into the standard input of another
$ ls -l /usr/bin | less - pipes the output of the command into less, so we can conveniently display it in a text editor without saving it as a file $ ls /bin /usr/bin | sort | less - pipe the output of ls for 2 directories into sort then pipe the output of sort into less $ ls /bin /usr/bin | sort | uniq | grep zip - list the directories, sort, uniq, then match only those that have zip in the name. $ ls /usr/bin | tee ls.txt | grep zip - list the directory, pipe the output into tee, which saves it to a file, but tee also sends it on to standard output where it gets piped into grep
> and | seem similar, but do very different things! > connects a command with a file, while | connects the output of one command to the input of a second command.

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