Ok, before you say no…
Jan 19, 2025
Short Story
A short story
Ok, before you say no, let me explain... We call it the “castle”. One of those old Earth terms. Most people have no idea what it means. And I only know because my grandma is a history buff and she goes on and on about the times before humans moved into - it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that it’s in the old part of the station and that no one is supposed to be able to get in there, like, ever. It's where Central Security keeps its data center. But getting in there may just be the only way to save my ass. I don’t have a lot of time to explain right now. Just know that none of this was my fault. Promise! Swear! Cross my heart and hope to die! It all happened so fast. One moment I’m in the back ally behind the Cybernog office on Sigma junction, jacking into the service robot… no, hear me out - it's not as bad as it sounds! You know what a sucker I am for Mega Moon Menace - love that game! The other day I ran into this guy who repairs service bots and I was chatting to him about this and that and he happened to mention how service bots use the downtime during purge cycles to upload their logs. And then it hit me! Those service bots are built with the cheapest 8600 boards and due to the low RAM - just let me… I’m getting to that! This is the important part... What it means is that due to the low RAM on those boards, they can’t keep recording while they’re processing their logs. Do you understand? They go outside to purge. And they’re blind during the purge cycle. When they attach to the chute, they turn off all external sensors and don’t turn them back on until they're done. This was my chance! My chance to take a peek at what they were working on for the next update! The service bot scuttles all around the Cybernog office, cleaning, and along the way it glances at all the workstations. It must see some sketches or some design docs or something! And all I had to do was wait in the shadows, jump out as soon as it started purging the waste, jack in and record the data stream. Voila, a front row seat to everything the robot had seen. No one would ever know. Wasn’t even going to do anything with whatever I found. Just. could. not. wait. ANY. LONGER! You know how they let Kenbo die in the last update? My favourite character! But I have this theory that Mega Corp only faked his death to… right, let’s talk about that later. Anyway: One moment I’m there, pretty much minding my own business. The next moment I’m knee-deep in trouble. Neck-deep in trouble. Way over my head in trouble. Because listen to this: the service robot did indeed see something. It saw something it wasn’t supposed to see. And I sure as hell wasn’t supposed to see it either. And I was so stumped, I just stood there and stared. Stared in disbelief. Stared for I don't know how long. Or well, actually I do know. I stared for the remainder of the 3 minutes the purge cycle takes. Then the damn thing releases its clamps from the chute, turns its sensors back on, sees me there with my pod jacked into its debug port and literally freaks out. Lights, sirens, the whole shebang. Now all this is in the back alley with no one there, and I did run as fast as I could, but the damn bot now has a recording of my stumped face in its logs. And since it triggered an alarm that footage is not just going to get auto-deleted. It goes into review. Into the data center. Into the castle.
So - will you help me get in there or not?